
Analysis of fish movement in the fishway by the numerical calculation
清水康行1 ・大橋弘道2
Yasuyuki SHIMIZU and Hiromidti OHASHI
1 北海道大学大学院工学研究科助教授
2 北海道大学大学院工学研究科修士課程

From the engineering and biological view point, it is important to understand the movement of fish in the flow with artificial structures ( e.g. fish way)or natural bed topography (e.g. bar and pool). There have been a large number of works on river flow with structures or fish way including numerical computation studies, however, the interaction between real river flow and fish movement have not been clarified. In this paper, an attempt is made to understand the fish movement in the flow by numerical experiment and flow visualization technique. According to these calculations, the movement of fish in the flow is indicated and visualization of result is shown.

Keywords: fishway, drag, trust, maximum swimming speed, cruising swimming speed